Kiwanis Europe

Shoes for Romania

Kiwanis Children’s Fund in Europe chose Shoes for Romanian Children (SRC) because there was a necessity in Europe to help children to hope for a better future going to school, and for many of them, a pair of good shoes are a basic need.
The campaign plan allowed for every club to mobilize their support. Each club chose the method of fundraising that worked best for them.
Funds were used to buy shoes directly in Romania at Marelbo, one of the largest shoe factories in the country. 
In total, 4.791 pairs of warm winter shoes and socks, were delivered to needy Romanian kids. KCF president elect Filip Delanote, trustee and counselor for Europe Francesco Valenti, KCF ambassador Bernard Altmann and Ilonka Löhmer, District chair Roland Franzi and Kiwanians from Romania all together for the first European Service project.
Kiwanis Children’s Fund in Europe honored and recognised both individual donors, club and district at various gift level. Complete details can be asked to your KCF district chair. A special patch for club banner and certificate was provided to members, clubs and districts who donated.

See the balance sheet and account review report to see how the funds were used.
